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SafeDispatch/SafeNet stop collecting data after extended idle period - Knowledgebase / General - Safemobile Helpdesk

SafeDispatch/SafeNet stop collecting data after extended idle period

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Problem: After being left to idle for extended periods of time (i.e. overnight), SafeDispatch/SafeSyt stop collecting data and will not refresh until a reboot of the system.

Solution: A possible cause of this issue is a feature built into Windows 7's management settings.  This feature is the "USB Selective  Suspend Setting."  On most systems, this is enabled by default to optimize the machine's power consumption.  However, when a system is left to idle for an extended period, the feature will assume any connected MotoTRBO radio is inactive and severe the connection to the SafeDispatch/SafeNet database.  Disabling this feature will ensure a constant, uninterrupted connection between the control station radios and the database.  To disable, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Power Options Control Panel window.  Access the Control Panel from the Windows Start Menu and locate Power Options.  If you can not find this option, you may have to change the Control Panel view from "Categories" to "Large Icons" or "Small Icons."  This setting is located in the upper right corner of the Control Panel Window.
  2. Identify the power plan currently being used by Windows.  This plan will be in a bold font.  Any changes made to a power plan only affect that single plan, so it is important to modify the plan being currently used by Windows.
  3. Click Change Plan Settings, then click Change Advanced Settings.
  4. Locate USB Settings from the list of available parameters.  Then, click the + sign to expand the parameters and expose  "USB Selective Suspend Setting"
  5. Disable the setting across all available power sources and click apply.

If you are still experiencing issues after applying these settings, please contact support