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MotoTRBO Gateway - Control radios health check - Knowledgebase / Tech Support - Safemobile Helpdesk

MotoTRBO Gateway - Control radios health check

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In the event of the one or more control radios (mobile radios) attached to the Gateway PC via USB cable will not work properly

Known possible issues


If the MotoTRBO radios are not properly working, the following may happen

  • No radio traffic received by the gateway software application (visible in the UI or console)
  • No unit updates in your dispatcher system
  • Only ARS signals are received in your dispatcher system
    • this can happen if using GPS Revert dedicated channels
  • Only part of the field radios are reporting while others not at all
    • this can happen if using more then one GPS Revert channels

Checking the MotoTRBO Gateway software application

SafeDispatch MotoTRBO Gateway

For SafeDispatch, the gateway will display in it's user interface the status of each registered gateway radio (one Status line for each radio).

The software will automatically reconnect to the radios in the event they are restarted or disconnected.

  • Below see MotoTRBO Gateway reflecting the status of a Data radio, you should notice the Status indicator showing RED or GREEN.

  • Below see MotoTRBO Gateway reflecting the status of a Voice radio, you should notice the Status indicator showing RED or GREEN and the ON / OFF button.

More details of configuring the MotoTRBO Gateway are available in the user manuals at

SafeNet Conventional Gateway

For SafeNet on-premises conventional gateway, will display in it's user interface the status of the main ARS Gateway Radio (will not display the status for the GPS Revert radios).

The software will automatically reconnect to the radios in the event they are restarted or disconnected.

Checking the Network interfaces

When connecting a digital radio to the PC via programming cable, it will be seen by the operating system as a Network Interface Card (NIC). We will check if the radio network interface card is properly connected.


Following one of the below procedures, you must ensure you have as many MOTOTRBO Network Interface Cards visible as the number or Mobile Radios connected to your Gateway PC.

From Device Manager

  • Windows 10
    1. Right click on the Start button and select Device Manager
    2. If you are using a tablet, switch to desktop mode by opening the action center and clicking tablet mode.  This will switch you to desktop mode.
    3. Now press and hold the start button until the context menu is displayed.  Select Device Manager
    4. Locate your NIC card under Network Adapters and expand the menu with a single click
    5. If your computer has a Network Interface Card, the adapter name is displayed like "MOTOTRBO"
  • Windows 7
    1. Click Start, then right-click Computer and select Properties.
    2. When the System window opens, click Change settings.
    3. Click the Hardware tab.
    4. Click Device Manager.
    5. Locate the Network Adapters category and expand the plus sign with a single click. If your computer has a Network Interface Card, the adapter name is displayed like "MOTOTRBO".
  • Ensure the MotoTRBO NIC does not have a Warning "!" sign in Device Manager. If it has a warning sign, then:
    1. right-click the MotoTRBO NIC and Disable
    2. right-click the MotoTRBO NIC and Enable
    3. See if the Warning "!" sign has gone away. If it still has a warning sign, then:
      1. physically Power OFF the radio and wait 20 sec
      2. physically Power ON the radio

From Network Connections

  • Type network connections in the search.

  • Select "View network connections".

  • Locate the "network connection" you want to enable/disable.
    • Look for the MOTOTRBO Interfaces! NOT Ethernet or Wi-Fi!

  • After locating the connection, right-click on it and select "enable/disable".

  • Ensure all MOTOTRBO Radio Network Interfaces are ENABLED

Checking the Windows Firewall

  • Firewall can interfere in between Windows OS and the MotoTRBO Radios attached to the PC via USB programming cable (because they are actually interpreted by the system as individual network interfaces)
  • Only one software firewall should be enabled at a time. If you have an antivirus or other security program installed with its own firewall, make sure it is disabled first.

Note: If your device is connected to a network, network policy settings might prevent you from completing these steps. For more info, contact your administrator.

Firewall on Windows 10

    1. Open Control Panel
    2. Click on System and Security
    3. Click on Windows Firewall

    4. If the Windows Firewall is enabled, the Windows Firewall state will be On. To turn it off, in the left navigation panel, click on Turn Windows Firewall on or off.
    5. In the Customize Settings window, select Turn off Windows Firewall and click OK.

Firewall on Windows 7

    1. Click Start and in the Search for Programs and Files text box, type firewall and press Enter.
    2. In the search results, click Windows Firewall.
    3. If the Windows Firewall is enabled, the Windows Firewall state will be on. To turn it off, click Change settings or Turn Windows Firewall on or off in the left column.
    4. In the Firewall Settings window, select Off and click OK.